Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Words for Heaven Rushmore

1. Urtzi [Basque]
2. Olympos [original Greek]
3. Valhalla (anything Viking is cool)
4. Nirvana (smells like your spirit)

1 comment:

Neli42 said...

Beautiful Feminine Names Rushmore

1. Hope - retains its meaning in any language, and the concept is a beautiful as any little girl fresh from heaven.
2. Abeni [ah beh NEE] - means "we asked for this girl and she came" in Yoruba.
3. Rocío [ro SEE oh] - means "dew" in Spanish. I just love to say it.
4. Anahí [ah nah EE] - the Guaraní name for the flower of the Ceiba tree (http://www.malvaceae.info/Genera/Ceiba/gallery.html).